The notes are on blackboard, make sure you follow along as normal. These videos are in sequence.
Now using polynomial division to calculate
After you’ve done it, you can watch the following video to check your work.
You should now be able to do problems 1 and 2 on WebAssign Homework 3.1
Now learn a shortcut way to do the above for special cases:
You should now be able to do problems 3 and 4 on the WebAssign homework.
Now try to use the remainder theorem (don’t calculate it directly) to find when
After you do that, you can compare your answer to the solution in the next video.
You can now do problem 5 and 6!
Now you should be able to do problems 7 and 8. If you have trouble, be sure to ask in the discord!
Now for the last video:
You can now do problem 9.
Finally using all this knowledge, you should be able to do problem 10!